Why should I choose handmade Jewelry, which is probably more expensive?
Because it is unique, its value is a given, and it is guaranteed after you buy from the jeweler you trust. Current prices have been configured to affordable levels. Handmade Jewelry are absolutely superior with regards to design and construction, compared with mass-produced, manufactured Jewelry which is worn statistically by 97% of women in the world.
Which precious stone goes better with gold?
This year’s trends are: Pink hue on a golden ring and variations of white on gold.
What is palladium?
One of the new precious metals, after gold, silver and platinum.
If necessary, can I bring my Jewelry to you for polishing, or modifications?
Yes! We provide restoration, modification, recarving and resizing services to the extent that, if you wish, you can end up with a completely different piece of Jewelry.